ABC 111 Wash - Roller and blanket wash

  • Appearance: : Liquid
    Color: : Clear to pale yellow
    Odour: : Hydrocarbon
    Solubility: : Miscible with water
    Boiling Point: : 170 C
    Relative density: : 0.83 @ 20℃
    Volatility by vol : 99 
    pH value: : N/A
    Flash point: : 45 C
  • ABC 111 Wash is suitable for automatic or manual washing systems 
    and is safe for use on all types of pre-sensitized plates.


    - Suitable for manual or automatic use 
    - Safe on all types of pre-sensitized metal plates
    - Cleans quickly and thoroughly
    - Reduces blanket tack
    - Prevents oxidation and swelling of the rubber
    - Keeps rollers and blankets ink-receptive

    Recommendations for use:

    Manual Use:
    Blankets: Apply ABC 111 Wash either neat or on a water damp 
    cloth. After removing the ink film wipe away any excess with a 
    dry cloth.
    Rollers: Apply in the usual way either neat or mixed with water. 
    For thorough cleaning and removal of gum glaze and lint apply 
    ABC 111 Wash neat and rinse off with water.
    Dampers: ABC 111 Wash can be used for either machine or hand 
    washing of dampers. Apply, scrub and rinse clean with water.
    For automatic washing systems: Use undiluted and as per the 

    washing systems manufacturers recommendations.

    Packing size: 5 liters/25 liters/200 liters